Miraculous Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder characterized by red patches covered with white flakes, dry skin, itching, and nail thickening. The disease is not serious, but it can still affect your overall health. Primarily, it is an aesthetic problem.

According to alternative medicine, psoriasis causes should be sought in stress, improper diet, and accumulation of toxins in the body.

This is considered to be the best treatment method so far and it is a combination of several recipes for the treatment of psoriasis. The treatment consists of several steps. Read below to learn about the best home remedies for psoriasis:

home remedies for psoriasis

Besides a healthy diet with simple and fresh foods, you will need dry burdock root and black cumin oil.

Burdock root

This amazing healing root with detoxifying properties is commonly used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions, particularly in the inflammation of the skin. The root is used in numerous medicinal preparations, and below, you will discover how to prepare a tea for the treatment of psoriasis.

– One tablespoon of burdock root
– 100ml of water

How to prepare:
Put the burdock root in a cup and pour boiling water over it and let it stay for 10 minutes. Strain it and the tea is ready. Remember, you should always drink this tea freshly prepared, three times a day.

Important: You must know that during this treatment your meals should be healthy. Your menu should include fresh and healthy foods, preferably organic or locally grown.

Black Cumin Oil

Some people call this oil “The cure for all diseases”. It is taken orally, but you can also apply it on the affected areas. Black cumin oil is a very strong immune-modulator, and therefore, it acts as an antibacterial and antifungal.
This oil can treat inflamed areas of the skin, reduce itching and irritation, and accelerate the healing of the skin. The recommended dose of this oil is one teaspoon three times a day.

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