If you are reading this, it means that mosquitoes love you as much as they love me. I personally hate mosquitoes, literally. So if you are a mosquito magnet, you’re probably tired of having itchy, bumpy skin, that can freak you out.
People are usually prone to mosquito bites due to a combination of scent, light, heat, and humidity. Different species of mosquitoes – like the ones that carry malaria – prefer bacteria and sweat. Others are attracted to carbon dioxide and certain hand odors.
Whichever species are troubling you, the good news is that you can protect yourself.
According to safety data sheets on DEET, the toxic effects of this chemical include: genetic material mutations, reproductive disturbances, and central nervous system disorders.
In short words, DEET products can be
The good news is that there is a completely natural (non-toxic) way to get rid of the mosquitoes around you!
This video below will teach you how to make your own mosquito hack! All you need is an empty plastic bottle, brown sugar, warm water, and yeast. You will be surprised how effective this homemade anti-mosquito hack is!