The Most Effective Homemade Scrub Against Cellulite and Stretch Marks!

This homemade scrub will not only clean and regenerate your skin, but it will also fight the stretch marks and the thing you hate the most – cellulite!

It is considered to be the perfect treatment because you can do it at home, using cheap ingredients.

After using this homemade scrub, you will notice that your skin will become smoother because scrubbing stimulates blood circulation and contributes to the rejuvenation of skin cells.

Find out how to prepare this cheap and yet powerful homemade scrub to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks in just a single month!

get rid of cellulite

– 250g of salt
– 250g of sugar
– 100-150ml of palm oil (you can also use olive oil or any vegetable oil instead)

Note: Sea salt is preferred because it’s healthier and enriched with iodine and trace elements, which altogether contribute to the renewal of the skin.

Mix all the ingredients well until you get a thick mixture. Leave it to stand for half an hour and then mix it again. Your homemade scrub is ready!

Note: You can use the same mixture until it’s finished. If necessary, prepare a new one.

How to use:
Every night before you go to the shower, apply the mixture on the troubled parts and massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream or body lotion.

Only after a few weeks of using it, you will notice that the stretch marks and cellulite will become less noticeable. We have reports from people saying that this homemade scrub helped them get rid of stretch marks and cellulite completely in just a single month!

Have you tried it already or you know someone who did? Share your story with us… Cheers!

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