Here is Why a Himalayan Salt Lamp is One of The Greatest Things You Can Own!

Himalayan Salt lamps are becoming very popular because of the many health benefits they provide, so it’s definitely worth having one around. Being beautiful and highly decorative, these lamps can be a great decor for your room as well as a perfect booster of your wellbeing.

As their name suggests, they are made from chunks of pure Himalayan salt. Basically, the inside is hollowed out and a bulb is placed.

How can these lamps be beneficial to your health?

himalayan salt lamp

Himalayan salt lamps are basically cleaning the air you breathe, which can help you feel better on a regular basis. They are great for everyone, but especially for people who have respiratory issues or allergies.

The most important thing is that these lamps act as natural negative ion generators. Just a reminder, at any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air.

Negative ions occur more often in nature and are created by things like lightning storms, waterfalls, ocean waves, sunlight, etc. This is one of the main reasons people feel renewed or refreshed after a storm or when they’re at the beach.

On the other hand, positive ions are often created by electronic devices such as computers, TVs, microwaves, cell phones, and can often cause problems like allergies, stress and sleep issues.

Generally, too many positive ions in the air can make you feel sluggish and stuffy. They can also have a big impact on your health by increasing nervousness, sleep issues, brain fog, increased free radical accumulation in your body. This is why it is very important to neutralize the positive ions in the air around you.

Negative ions can neutralize positive ions (they bond together) and help cleanse the air.

How the lamp works?


The unique combination of Himalayan salt and a source of light (basically a heat source) is what causes the production of negative ions. As we know, salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface which evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat that the bulb produces. So the negative ions are produced during the evaporation process.

Since things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they can be neutralized by negative ions.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamp – They have been proven to be helpful with:

– Allergies
– Blood stream disorders
– Stress-related disorders
– Insomnia and sleep disturbances
– Skin conditions
– Respiratory problems
– Colds
– Headaches and migraines
– Rheumatism

Where is the best place to put the Himalayan salt lamp?


These lamps have a limited range. Having one at home is great but it will not impact the air of your entire home. Rather, it will improve the air within the general range of the lamp itself. So it is important to place the lamp wherever you spend the most time when you’re at home.

You already own one of these lamps? We would love to hear your story in the comments below! Don’t forget to share as you might help someone in need, cheers!


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